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With the advancement of science, new discoveries and technological inventions have happend. This is really cool. Our brain has also evolved at par with the scientific inventions to understand and use them.

How do we understand new things ? 

One of the very common way is, by comparing with our existing visual or perceptual memory thats already in our mind. Today Most of us understand what is a Mobile Phone, Camera, HD, 3D, Android, IOS, etc.

This helps us in understanding new things based on our existing core knowledge.


We are doing great int terms of technology, our understanding has improve. we use this knowledge to use new technology to improve our lifestyle and comfort.


One more thing that I observed is, I didnt have to put any extra effort to learn the new technical knowledge, It seems to be available everywhere. people are talking/discussing about them around me. This helps a lot.


However we find ourself challenged and cluless when it comes to understanding human relation, finance,  health, family etc. Why is this ?

This is what I found.

I hear people around around me talking about various cuisine, resturants, movies, big data, company stock, smart phones, IOS, android, various Apps, etc. We dont talk about things like hobby, passion, empathy, sympathy, jelousy, self esteem, goal, emmotional wounds, congnitive bias etc.


As a result, 

We have become very efficient ( most of the time ) in deciding 

- Which resturant to go.

- Which food we like.

- Whether to buy an IPhone or Samsung.

- Which app to use for which porpose. 


Whereas we find it challenging 

- To listen to someone empathitcally. ( I am sure many of us might find it difficult to even understand the difference between sympathy and Empathy ) 

- To pursue our Passion. ( Again I find people around me having difficulty in realising which is hobby and which is passion )

- To deal with situations when we feel low, emmotionally. In fact most of the time, we make it even worse, by disecting the emmotional wound. 

- To find time for ourself, to have some quality time.


I compared the above two areas and found that they are so similar. The same patterns exists. 




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